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Tag: champions

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Football team members in uniform sit on rows of bleachers behind giant 1954 numbers

Coach Harry Sanders leads the UCLA Bruins football team to its first national championship. Though they win the game, they do not appear in the Rose Bowl in 1955 as, at the time, teams are disallowed from playing in the Rose Bowl game two years in a row.
Black and white photo of the Liberty Bell on a cart with wheels. Only three of the wheels are showing. This appears to be on a lawn with a tree on the right side.

Forming the roots of a deep seated rivalry, representatives of UCLA and USC decide to award the Victory Bell to the winner of the annual football game. As part of the tradition, the bell is painted with the winning team's colors for the whole next season.
Baseball player skids across floor

While a student at UCLA, Jackie Robinson becomes the school's first athlete to letter in four sports. A few years later, he is the first black athlete to play in Major League Baseball, a proud moment for UCLA.
A football game ticket for entrance to the Rose Bowl stadium.

Though we endure a disappointing loss, UCLA makes its first of 12 Rose Bowl appearances.
Black and white photo of a UCLA Tennis Team. The boys and men are in two rows, with the back row standing and the front row sitting with tennis rackets facing down between their legs. There is a man in a suit on either end of the back row, otherwise all the men are in white tee shirts and white shorts.

Securing its first NCAA Championship win, the men's tennis team beats out cross-town rivals USC as well as UC Berkeley. They bring the title home just four years after the formation of the NCAA.
A yearbook with photos three portraits of football players below a photo of a player attempting to tackle another player

Igniting the now-famous cross-town rivalry, the UCLA Bruins go up against the USC Trojans, who just played an undefeated season the previous year, in a football game that goes down in history.
Three men in suits shake hands

John Wooden becomes the head coach of UCLA men's basketball. At the time, the hire is celebrated, but few could have guessed the impact that Wooden's relationship with UCLA would have. Expanding his outreach beyond athletics into culture and community, Wooden would become one of the most heralded coaches in the history of organized. sports.
Team of women hold large "First to 100" UCLA sign

The UCLA Women's Water Polo team wins the national championship, becoming the first university to win 100 NCAA titles.
Team of women gather around trophy

In an athletic landmark, UCLA wins its 116th NCAA title for its victory in Beach Volleyball. UCLA's 2018 roster becomes the first team in history of the beach volleyball championship to come from the contender’s bracket to win an NCAA title, which is also UCLA's first in the sport.